sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2015

Free Lance – significados


Not imprisoned or confined: walked out of prison a free man; set the birds free;

Not controlled by obligation or the will of another: felt free to go;

Not controlled by another country or political power;

Not subject to arbitrary interference by a government: a free press;

Not enslaved;

Not affected or restricted by a given condition or circumstance: people free from need;

Not subject to a given condition; exempt: income that is free of all taxes;

Not bound by convention or the rules of form: a free artistic style;

Not literal or exact: a free translation;

Costing nothing; gratuitous: a free meal;

Publicly supported: free education;

Unobstructed; clear: a free lane on the highway;

Not occupied or used: a free locker; free energy;

Not taken up by scheduled activities: free time between classes;

Given, made, or done of one’s own accord; voluntary or spontaneous: a free act of the will; free choices;

In a free manner; without restraint;

Without charge;


Able to act at will; not under compulsion or restraint;

Not subject (to) or restricted (by some regulation, constraint, etc);

Not forced or induced: free will;

Not subject to conventional constraints: free verse;

You use free as an adjective to describe activities that are not controlled or limited: We believe in free speech;

For free: for nothing, unpaid, for love, free of charge, on the house, without charge, gratuitous, at no cost, gratis, buckshee;

Allowed, permitted, unrestricted, unimpeded, at liberty, open, clear, able, loose, unattached, unregulated, disengaged, untrammelled, unobstructed, unhampered, unengaged;

At liberty, loose, liberated, at large, off the hook (slang), on the loose;

Independent, unfettered, unrestrained, uncommitted, footloose, unconstrained, unengaged, not tied down I was young, free and single at the time;

Generous, willing, liberal, eager, lavish, charitable, hospitable, prodigal, bountiful, open-handed, unstinting, unsparing, bounteous, munificent;

Autonomous, independent, democratic, sovereign, self-ruling, self-governing, emancipated, self-determining, autarchic;

Relaxed, open, easy, forward, natural, frank, liberal, familiar, loose, casual, informal, spontaneous, laid-back (informal), easy-going (informal), lax, uninhibited, unforced, free and easy, unbidden, unconstrained, unceremonious a confidential but free manner;

Unencumbered, open, clear, unrestricted, unobstructed;

Without charge, for nothing, for love, on the house, at no cost, gratis;

Able to move about at will without bounds or restraint: loose, unconfined, unrestrained;

Allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc;

Not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way; free speech;

A person who is working on his own, not for any one employer: a freelance journalist; freelance work.


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